Welcome to www.dependenta.ro website

This website provides information about many types of addictions like addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, smoking and food. On this site you can find valuable information about addiction treatment centers and how can you help a person who is addicted. Dependenta.ro hosts a discussion forum where people all over Romania share their experiences about addictions and present their successful stories about overcoming addiction.

Blue Cross Romania

Mission statement
Blue Cross Romania is member of the International Federation of Blue Cross.
We understand our ministry as a diaconical mission: to accept a man as he comes, to help him to stand up, to be his guide for a while, to help him find the liberty and responsibility for a fulfilled, sober life.

Activities & services

Two rehabilitation and recovery centers, one for men and the other one of women, both located in Sibiu county, in the southern area of Transylvania, Romania.
We offer counseling, group therapy and individual therapy, medical and social care, spiritual guidance, ergo-therapy, reintegration in family and community, occasionally prevention and training activities.

Therapy model:
Therapeutic Communities combining the Models from Blue Cross, De Hoop, Minnesota and other methods

Client group:
People addicted to alcohol, legal or illegal drugs, gambling and codependents or their familiy members.

Number of clients:

  • 30 in the men's center
  • 15 in the women's center
  • as many as are asking for help in the outpatient treatment

Number of employees: 10

Board of Blue Cross Romania:

Pr. Univ. Conf. Dr. Constantin Necula - p
resident of Blue Cross Romania

Pr. Galter Dietrich - vicepresident

Jr. Marius Oltean -
General manager


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